Do you know the right questions to ask an HVAC technician before committing to a job like a furnace installation? If you are interested in installing a new furnace in your Elgin home, being confident in the HVAC company is the only way to ensure peace of mind about what you’re getting. Can the service you use properly install your new furnace as well as maintain it?

As a top-rated furnace company in Elgin, IL, Leith Heating & Cooling emphasizes seven things that matter when it comes to furnace installation. Below are a few questions to help you evaluate your local services so that you can choose the most reliable HVAC company for the job.

#1 Do I Need A New Furnace?

When it comes to questions to ask your local HVAC technician, “Do I need a new furnace?” might be the most important. After all, you don’t want to pay for a new furnace when minor types of repair to the old one will do. However, furnace installation services make sense under certain circumstances. 

  • Do you own a furnace that’s more than a decade old? You’d probably be better off installing a replacement unit. 
  • Has your unit experienced some kind of irreparable harm, such as a fire or severe electrical damage? You’ll need a new furnace for safety reasons.

When talking with an HVAC company, be honest about your situation. If they’re reputable, they’ll be truthful about whether you need to replace your furnace.

#2 What’s The Best Furnace For My Needs?

Your furnace needs will depend on your home’s size and location. Do you have a huge, multi-story home in a region with ample natural gas access? You could probably benefit from a bigger natural gas furnace.

However, double-check with your local HVAC professionals to determine which type and size of furnace best suit your home’s needs. Reliable, trustworthy technicians will share their extensive industry knowledge to evaluate your specific situation and give clear reasons for their recommendations. 

If your selected technicians insist on selling you a furnace you don’t need, go elsewhere.

#3 Will You Inspect My Home’s Entire HVAC System?

When speaking with an HVAC technician about a replacement, be sure to ask them to inspect your home’s entire HVAC system while they’re on-site. It could save considerable money and time if they find ways to prevent future problems from occurring. You’ll also be more confident that your new furnace will work as smoothly as possible.

A reputable HVAC contractor like Leith Heating & Cooling should be able to inspect your home’s whole HVAC system, including the following:

  • Ducts
  • Vents
  • Heat pumps
  • Furnaces
  • Air conditioners and more

You want to ensure you’re hiring technicians that care about how your new furnace will affect your home’s existing HVAC fixtures. For example, new furnace installations might require new ductwork, in which case you will need experienced professionals who can handle the job. Installing reliable, high-quality ductwork could even protect you against COVID-19.

#4 Are Your Technicians Licensed, Insured, and Bonded?

Out of all the questions that your HVAC technician can answer, this one is non-negotiable before you hire their services. Any reputable HVAC company will proudly display its license number on its website and promotional materials. Their technicians should also be licensed, insured, and bonded.

Unregulated HVAC companies are bad news, lacking the technical skills and previous experience to properly install furnaces and other appliances. If you want complete protection against liability and bad installation, only hire professionals that have the right credentials and licensure. The same applies to using these contractors for future repairs or maintenance plans that can keep your furnace working efficiently for years to come.

#5 What’s Included In My Quote?

Each furnace installation project comes with a quote. When it comes to questions to ask an HVAC technician, getting a clear idea of your quote is one of the most important things to do before settling on a contractor. Don’t you want to be certain that you’re getting what you pay for in terms of technical parts, customer service, and labor?

Ask your contractors what they’re including in your quote, line for line. Are they being forthright with you about any extra charges or hidden fees? When in doubt, contact multiple HVAC companies to see what they each charge for the same installation services.

#6 When Can You Install My Furnace?

When can your contractors install your new furnace? If your home is experiencing heating issues, you deserve help as soon as possible, especially if it’s a matter of health and safety during the wintertime. Find a company that prioritizes rapid service, like Leith Heating & Cooling. 

Some furnace installation services offer 24/7 repair services, but it is rare that installation takes place at all hours of the night. Emergency repairs are common, but seeing 24/7 installation advertised should raise a red flag about the validity of these services.

#7 Am I Eligible For Any Rebates Or Tax Credits?

Did you know that if you’re installing a new gas or electric furnace, you might be eligible for rebates or tax credits? Many federal, state, and local governments provide unique benefits for homeowners keen on improving their property’s energy efficiency. In particular, these benefits help cover some of the costs of installing natural gas furnaces.

When choosing an HVAC technician, ask about local rebates, tax credits, and financial rewards. The service should be eager to help you take advantage of these benefits, including pointing you in the right direction of furnace makes and models that can save you money.

Quality Furnace Installation in Elgin, IL

Now that you know the right questions to ask an HVAC technician, you can be far more confident about scheduling expert furnace installation in Elgin, IL, or the surrounding areas. Do you want to know how to adjust your HVAC system or weigh some of the great options for furnace replacements? Call the Leith Heating & Cooling team at (847) 534-8686 today to receive a quote and answers to all your questions!

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