Air conditioners are complicated pieces of equipment, but they’re necessary to keep us comfortable and safe during the summer. If your air conditioner stops blowing, you might wonder, “What causes an air conditioner fan to stop spinning?”

Your AC unit could suffer from any number of problems. Read ahead to discover where the issues might occur.

Are you ready for professional help? Reach out to Leith Heating & Cooling, Elgin’s reliable AC repair specialists. Call 847-565-1568 and book an appointment today.

You Have a Broken Capacitor

A capacitor is a little piece that transmits energy to power the air conditioner’s components. An air conditioner has several capacitors, all in charge of powering a different part of the unit.

In general, capacitors serve one of two functions. The start capacitor sends a signal to the unit’s component, allowing it to start up. The run capacitor keeps the component going after its initial start.

Capacitors are vulnerable to age and overheating. Since they are tiny and complicated, only a professional should replace a bad capacitor.

Power Problems

When your circuit breaker trips, it leaves the connected appliances without power. Common reasons for your circuit breaker tripping include overheating and power surges. Unless you have a larger problem, you can simply flip the circuit back on to restore power.

Remember, while circuit breakers are safer than ever, they’re still high-voltage pieces of equipment. Always verify you know how to use your circuit breaker. If you’re unsure or something looks off, call an electrician or HVAC specialist to handle the issue.

Power Surges

Power surges most often occur during a storm or following a power outage when the electricity returns. A surge protector should protect you from them, but they still strip your circuit breaker.

If you experience power surges outside a storm or outage, you might have a problem with your entire electrical system.


The circuit breaker also trips to protect the air conditioner’s motor from overheating. Running your air conditioner during the hottest months makes it vulnerable to overheating. If you experience frequent overheating when the weather isn’t sweltering, call an experienced technician to diagnose the problem.

The Motor Is Burnt Out

The motor does the most work of any component in your air conditioner. It’s responsible for powering the fan and dispersing the cold air. If you notice the fan doesn’t spin, check the motor.

A motor burns out because of overwork or lack of maintenance. To keep your motor working in peak condition, schedule regular maintenance.

Unfortunately, replacing the motor is expensive. Depending on your air conditioner’s age, your HVAC specialist might advise replacing the entire unit.

A Bad Belt

What causes an air conditioner fan to stop spinning? Sometimes it’s a bad belt.

Older air conditioner models use a belt on their condensers. Over time, these belts become brittle and break, preventing your condenser from running.

Your service technician can replace these belts easily and affordably. However, considering your air conditioner’s age, they might suggest upgrading the unit to a newer model that doesn’t use a belt.

Faulty Contactor

Located inside the compressor, a contactor acts as a switch to the air conditioner unit, sending voltage to the condenser so it runs. Contactors suffer the wear and tear of time and use. Since the piece is small, complex, and fragile, call an HVAC expert to replace a contractor.

Clogged Air Filter

A clogged air filter seems minor, but it causes severe problems. When the filter is dirty, it blocks air from flowing freely out of the air conditioner. 

Over time, a clogged air filter causes ice buildup. The ice causes the fan to work overtime and eventually break down. If you notice your fan working extra hard, check your air filter and clean or replace it.

Lack of Maintenance

Ignoring regular maintenance on your air conditioner leads to problems. To keep your fan and your entire unit working for its full life expectancy, follow these maintenance steps.

Annual Check Up

You should have your HVAC professional run a diagnostic on your air conditioner at least once a year. Spring is a good time to schedule maintenance so your unit runs well during its peak usage. You can schedule a second appointment during the fall to ensure your intense usage didn’t damage the unit.

Consider annual checkups an investment. By paying a little money upfront, you avoid costly repairs or replacements and ensure your unit lasts as long as possible.

Maintain Your Air Filter

You can easily maintain your air filter by replacing it at least every three months to avoid complications from blockages. If you use your air conditioner more frequently than intended, you’ll need to replace your filter more often.

If your air conditioner has a reusable filter rather than a disposable one, clean the filter with a gentle stream of water.

Regular Cleaning

If you have central air, you should clean your unit regularly to prevent debris and dust from accumulating. It’s not a complicated job, but you do risk damaging your unit if you clean it improperly. To ensure your unit’s safety, have your technician clean the unit during the annual inspection.

Never DIY Repairs

While you can perform some routine maintenance yourself, like replacing the air filter, you should never attempt to fix your air conditioner unit yourself. Air conditioners are complicated pieces of machines with many small, fragile electrical parts. Even if you consider yourself a handy person, call a professional.

Another thing to consider is your air conditioner’s warranty. Many manufacturers require a professional to repair issues. Performing repairs yourself, even if successful, could void your warranty.

Call Leith Heating & Cooling for All Your Air Conditioner Needs

What causes an air conditioner fan to stop spinning? Many things cause it, so don’t try to diagnose the problem yourself. Our team at Leith Heating & Cooling wants to help.

Whether your AC is not working after a power outage or your fan refuses to blow, our HVAC professionals work hard to restore comfortable cooling to your home. Call 847-565-1568 and book an appointment today.

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